Give to Grow Raises Over $106,000

Give to Grow Raises Over $106,000

Give to Grow Raises Over $106,000 for Participating Organization Funds

The Solomon Valley Community Foundation (SVCF) is thrilled to announce the success of their first-ever one-day matching event, Give to Grow, held on April 24th at the Beloit Municipal Building. The event aimed to increase visibility and promote the work of our area non-profits while building endowments and long-term sustainability for the organizations.

Give to Grow brought together 20 participating non-profits for a day of giving, live music, hourly giveaways, and community engagement. The event was a wonderful opportunity for the community to come together and support the organizations that do so much to improve the lives of residents in Mitchell County.

All 102 Mitchell County 5th graders attended the event, participating in the giving and learning the importance of supporting local causes. This involvement, which stemmed from SVCF’s recent youth initiatives, highlights the future of our communities and the importance of giving a voice to those youth who will someday lead.

A total of $76,767 was raised from 430 generous donors. In addition, SVCF originally pledged $25,000 in matching funds, which soon increased to $30,000 after seeing the overwhelming success of the day. In total, $106,767 was raised for Mitchell County Non-Profits.

“We are overwhelmed by the generosity of the community and the impact this event will have on our participating organizations,” said Julia Rabe, SVCF Executive Director. “We want to extend our heartfelt thanks to everyone who contributed to making Give to Grow a resounding success.”

The SVCF Board also extends its gratitude to the community, donors, and participating non-profits for their dedication and support. The foundation looks forward to future events and continuing to serve the community in its philanthropic desires.